Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am sending many thoughts of happiness, health, and good eatin´ to you all back in the United States this Thanksgiving.

My teacher asked me to explain the holiday to her, to which I responded, ¨we eat a lot food with people we love¨(and for lack of limited vocabulary, left out that side effect from the original Thanksgiving with white people bringing disease to the native people and taking their land ...). While this combo of food and family/friends-who-are-like-family makes Turkey Day one of my FAVORITE times, and I dearly miss my family and our craziness I mean lovingness, it´s kind of easy to forget about it being here in warm weather and not a hint of turkey around. Not even among the millions of fresh carcases available in the numerous open air markets, or maybe I just don´t recognize its bloody form. What a nice image for you all.

But I did think of the things I am thankful for, in a nice Hallmarkesque moment in my mind while watching a movie at the school today (about drugs, sex, murder, and gangs in Ecuador, what a way to start the day!). Thought I´d share some of the small things that I´m happy for at the moment. Besides not being involved with drugs, prostitution, or gangs.

-- Ecuadorian bananas. So sweet, so good, about 5 cents each. I often get the small ones, too, and have little moments of happiness when I make a peanut butter and banana sandwich and one tiny banana is the PERFECT size for slicing to put inside.

-- The hot shower I enjoyed last night. While I am fortunate to have access to a warm shower in Cuenca, it is not usually HOT water and I had been wanting just that for sooooo long with this wish granted last night.

-- Our new mascotas (pets) in the house, two little bunnies. Last week, the rooster and duck disappeared: in a hilarious moment in which I seemed like a child to Julie and Adrian as parents, I asked them hesitantly if we would be having any type of bird-like meat for dinner that night - luckily what Julie meant by ¨they are off to a better place¨was the school she teaches at, where they have more room to run around outside.

-- Having someone else wash, dry, & cutely fold my laundry for a nominal fee. Yes, I said cutely, as I have never seen my clothes presented in such a pleasant form. Me gusta la lavandera.

-- That the radio is currently playing the ¨Macarena¨ song, which I hadn´t heard in years until this past weekend on a crazy crowded bus in the middle of nowhere, and now I´m hearing it again. It´s hideousness partly repulses me but also makes me laugh.

Heading back home now, where many other types of music will greet me along the way - cumbia, random Latin rap, folklorico-traditional, everything, constantly music at play in stores and homes...

Enjoy your turkey and pumpkin pie for me, have an extra big portion on that account, to fully enjoy the over-consumption that is America. Miss being with you!


Unknown said...

I did my job at overconsuming - I fell asleep on the floor and had to be nudged awake to be the last person to leave someone else's house. I'm still in a little pain... do not think any turkey has been spared its life due to your absence, I've got you sponsored ;).
It's good to hear how you're doing, and that it sounds like you're having a good time. But of course we miss you here!
Take care, and happy Turkey Day!

HoneyBadger said...

Don't be a hater. I enjoyed it for you. Happy Thanksgiving!