Saturday, January 5, 2008

And belated Happy New Years...

Hope you all had a safe and exciting New Years celebration. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

I was in Cusco, where the central Plaza de Armas was lively with people, booze, fireworks, booze, police, tourists, locals, funky glasses, yellow confetti, more fireworks, and booze. And as much as I am old and boring and partly wanted to go to sleep, it was fun to be a part of all the energy. Though I was really concerned about the fireworks and drunk people combination, I did not see any casualties (but maybe the police were there to quickly cover it up so as not to disturb the toursits). There was no actual countdown, but you could tell when the mayhem got even crazier as people started running around the plaza. It felt like the running of the bulls.

We eventually joined in on the plaza cruising - but not running, had to save our leg energy for the Big MP - and it was fun to see lots of different types of people people dressed up and just having a silly good time. Although someone stole the hat right off of my head and ran off with it, sadly leaving my ears cold. Meanies who stole my beanie. But it taught me lesson about ¨test driving¨ people´s gifts, because I had just bought the hat for my brother earlier that day. Sorry, Gary.

Hope your 2008 is off to a great start. Sure is for Obama, eh?

1 comment:

nonfinis said...

Oh D, I love you how weave the words you use, and how you refer to things happening in the news. Maybe when you come back to us, the US will be a saner place.