Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cold Feet

My feet are cold because they are very wet.

Arequipa is experiencing major rain and flooding (of course, because I have brought the wrath of the Incans), a nice little suprise to everyone here. Hunger and lack of the concept of food delivery available led us to brave the rain, and also drove us to the vultures of an overpriced touristy restaurant in the main square (the free Pisco Sour made up for some of it. Nothing like a margarita-type drink with egg whites on top to warm up cold feet - probably could help in the metaphoric cold feet as well now that I think about it). But now my feet and Keane shoes are soaked. Hope the shoes dry a little before I leave in about 7 hours for a flight to Lima.

If that flight even leaves, given the rain. I will consider tomorrow a day for cashing in some miracles, to get from Arequipa to Lima early in the morning, track down my ATM card in Lima during my 3 hours there, make my flight to Ecuador (Guayaquil), and get myself AND my luggage back to Cuenca 5 hours later. If I do not post again soon, I am stuck in one of various cities in Peru or alongside the road in Ecuador or am trying to get money by begging on the streets for lack of ATM card. Send good travel luck my way, please!

Perhaps even more difficult is trying to explain the American primaries to foreigners. This has made me realize several things. 1) I do not know a lot about my own country´s political process, which is partly due to to fact 2) the process is crazy, throw in 3) people who run for president are crazy, and we all know 4) CNN is overly dramatic and repeats the same stories over and over and over and over and over. Okay, I was fully aware of this last point, which fuels my love hate relationship with the news channel. And I heart Anderson Cooper.

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